What is a Dental Implant

What are dental implants? Richmond Dentists - Richmond Dental Centre Nelson NZ

An implant is a titanium screw that is surgically placed within the jaw so that a crown, bridge or denture can be attached to it. They can be used to replace one tooth, several teeth or all of your teeth.

Titanium has a coating which is readily accepted by the body. It will form a natural bond, thus securing the artificial root implant into position. The implant contains an internal thread to which we screw an attachment. This forms the foundation on which the replacement teeth are secured. There are a number of different implant systems on the market but we usually use Nobel Biocare or Straumann implants.

Top Oral Care Tips for Implants

Most dental implants are successful, and there are a few steps you can take to help ensure success and make your implant last.

  • Practice good oral hygiene – brush twice a day and floss once daily.
  • Quit smoking – smoking can weaken the bone structure and can contribute to implant failure.
  • Visit your dentist – cleanings and exams every six months can help ensure your implant is in good condition, and that it stays that way.
  • Avoid chewing on hard foods – don’t chew on hard items such as ice and hard candy because they can break the crown and your natural teeth.

Contact Richmond Dental Centre for more information and advice or book an appointment today! 

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